Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis: source for paper B

Papacharissi, Z., & Mendelson, A. (2007). An exploratory study of reality appeal: Uses and gratifications of reality TV shows. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51(2), 355-370.
1. The argument of this journal article is that people watch reality TV to fulfill voyeuristic and fantasy desires, as well as for mere entertainment and relaxation. This study argues that viewers of reality TV begin to perceive these shows as real, rather than staged acts.
2. The audience for this article would be teens to young adults in support of reality TV. Another target audience could be the parents of those teens, interested in the subject.
3. The goal of this article would be to persuade viewers of the reasons and consequences included in watching reality TV shows.
4. This goal is achieved by use of ethos (authority), or reputability. The writers of this article both have PhDs and are professors in the department of journalism. The Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media is credible as well. This article is also written very efficiently due to use of examples, facts, and statistical information.
5. This article is effective because if comes from reliable sources and answers valuable questions to the new uprising of reality TV.

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